Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Watershed Continental Divides in North America
Thursday, October 10th, 2013Put-In Bay – an all inclusive day on the Lake!
Friday, September 13th, 2013Put-In-Bay
A Day on the Lake
September 20, 2013
This is a very fun and educational bus trip to Put-in-Bay, where we will be treated to a tour of the newly-remodeled Ohio State University Water Quality Lab. After the tour we will then board the research vessels for an informative, hands-on cruise of Lake Erie. You will also have the opportunity to explore and enjoy lunch on the island.
This is an opportunity for Ag Retailers, Producers and concerned Citizens to learn about the ongoing research at OSU’s Stone Lab. These
programs & projects are helping to identify the causes of the harmful algal blooms and invasive species in Lake Erie. Phosphorus fertilizer is the limiting factor in the proliferation of the algae
$20 / person
Please send check to :
Allen SWCD
3718 New Vision Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
Contact us:
260-484-5848 ext. 3
Email us at
6:15 AM Board Bus at Meijer
10301 SR 37, Ft. Wayne,IN 46835
* Juice and rolls served *
6:30 AM Bus departs from Meijer
9:30 AM Depart Catawba Island via Miller Ferry to Put-In-Bay
5174 E. Water St., Port Clinton, OH 43452
10:00 AM Island Transport to Aquatic Visitor’s Center
* Snack served *
11:15 PM Science Cruise / Island Tour
12:30 PM Lunch
1:45 PM Science Cruise / IslandTour
3:30 PM Miller Ferry to Catawba
4:15 PM Bus departs from Catawba
6:30 PM Return to Meijer
(IN SR37 & I-469)
Lunch and morning
snack provided.
*Agenda is subject to change*
RiverFest at IPFW – Save Maumee Represented
Friday, July 5th, 2013Presentation: June 22, 2013 10:30AM – 11AM
Title: What can we do to make our 3 Rivers better; In-depth thought into surface water
Director, Abigail King said SMGO will release their new initiatives at RiverFest, that will “draw many eyes to the importance of water quality.”
“We plan to demonstrate the symbiotic relationship between stream health and how it is directly related to human health and recreation.”
2008 through 2013, Save Maumee Grassroots Organization was chosen by Healing Our Waters to represent northeast Indiana for Clean Water Week in Washington, D.C., meeting with Federal Legislators.
- 2011 Hoosier Environmental Council chose Save Maumee as “Indiana’s Organization of the Year”
The group encourages active public participation by joining Save Maumee at Hall’s Gas House from 7-8:30pm, the First Monday of Every Month Meeting.
Directions: IF you want these seeds to work to improve water quality;
1) only plant where nothing green grows & dirt is exposed, near an open water source
2) Stir up the soil with a stick or shoe and gently work the mix into the ground
3) cover with less than 1/4th inch soil
4) press down with your shoe to keep it in the ground.
Notice the prices reflect value of our natural resources, and they are going up because they are not getting any easier to find!
DIVERSITY is very important. COST TO PURCHASE (based on 2013 prices)
Prairie Drop Seed $15/oz or $225/LB
Common Milkweed $11/oz or $170/LB
Tall Iron Weed $18/oz or $265/LB
Wild Bergamot/Monarda $20/oz or $304/LB
Evening Primrose $5/oz
Acorns that grow into Oak Trees $7/LB
Water quality suffers without enforcement of the laws created to protect public health
Sunday, April 14th, 2013“Critics have long complained that IDEM is understaffed, underfunded and doesn’t do enough to protect the environment.” IDEM, is an “18-year-old state agency with a $161 million budget and more than 900 employees. (Associated Press, ‘Activists wonder where Daniels will lead state’s environment’ Nov. 22, 2004).
“The state issued more than $2 million in environmental fines in northeast Indiana from 2004 through 2006, but not all the money was actually collected.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management records showed fines in northeast Indiana ranging from $300 to $382,725 during that period, according to The Journal Gazette review of the data published [December 2007] (Indy Star, “IDEM fails to collect fines in full” Dec. 10, 2007).
Now the latest report on Violations, Enforcement & Penalties:
Clean Water Act violations rising, seldom punished;
State regulators dispute findings from EPA data
Journal Gazette – Dan Stockman – 20 August 2012
Nearly three out of every four facilities in Indiana operating under the
Clean Water Act broke that law in 2009, EPA data show, but of all those
violators, only one-third faced any kind of sanctions.
Celia Garza, Board Secretary
Sunday, April 14th, 2013Where are all the trees? ~ It’s not JUST the Emerald ash borer destroying natural habitat.
The Army Corp of Engineers follows the “Guidelines for landscape planting and vegetation management at levees, floodwalls, embankment dams and appurtenant structures (ETL 1110-2-571)” when deciding what trees and plants to remove [on levees]. Downtown Fort Wayne has 8 miles of “downtown river front development” and 10.5 miles of levees next to our rivers. If you have any questions or are concerned with the removal of our natural resources, trees and plants, please contact the following City of Fort Wayne and other government employees:
10.5 miles are maintained by a non-federal agency/municipality = City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works
#1 Tina Kowitz, P.E
Levee Safety Program Manager
Geotech & Structures Branch
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District
ph: (313) 226-6719
cell: (313) 244-6283
#2 Board of Public Works
Bob Kennedy – Manager (260) 427-2693
Shan Gunawardena – Engineer (260) 427-1172
City of Fort Wayne
Citizens Square Bldg. 2nd Floor
(260) 427-1112
#3 Federal Senator Dan Coats
Legislative Assistants:
Paige Hallen
Casey Murphy
Kate Taylor
493 Russell Office Bldg
Washington, DC, 20510
ph: (202) 224-5623
#4 Federal Senator Joe Donnelly
Legislative Assistant: Audrey Porter
SR-B33 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
ph: (202) 224-4814
Thank you for calling,
Celia Garza
Save Maumee Grassroots Organization
Board of Trustees Secretary
Saturday, April 6th, 2013
EARTH DAY is Sunday April 21st from 11am-4pm
Map here for all the FUN on Earth Day!
Our social media outreach and updates have been sparse since my loving father AND our webguy, Brad Frost is very ill with cancer.
For more updates on a regular basis….check out our FACEBOOK!
Call if you need anything or would like to participate!
Abby 260.417.2500
EMAIL: Abby@SaveMaumee.Org
Steering Committee Chair Discusses Levee Maintenance
Thursday, January 17th, 2013Save Maumee wants to talk openly with city officials, and with the taxpayers, about our waterways and the cause & effect of current practices relating to land use and water quality. The water we speak of is the same water we drink, bathe our children in, water our gardens with, and live alongside. It is our greatest natural resource.
Recently, the city hired a tree service to remove vegetation along the Niagara Levee (the same area Save Maumee has been repairing since 2005) for a levee inspection in December 2012. Conversations with Flood Control Supervisor Cathy Burleson revealed that the Army Corps of Engineers required much of this removal in their levee regulations that came as a result of Hurricane Katrina. She stated that she did not want to cut the trees down, ACE regulations required her to do so. Burleson also mentioned that there are 10.5 miles of levees that the City of Fort Wayne, Board of Public Works, are responsible for maintaining. Walk the River Greenway along Edgewater Avenue or Spy Run and you can see that definition of maintenance ~ removal of all trees and vegetation with the installation of rip rap. One small portion of Edgewater was developed using what was referred to as green technique (using vegetation surrounded by non-degradable, plastic mesh called Scour Stop at a large additional cost).
We understand the issue of levee safety in those areas are a priority, and are in complete agreement that the safety of the home and business owners, and their property are of utmost importance. The last thing that we want is for anyones lives or homes to be in danger as a result of any compromising of the structure of the levees.
The problem that we seem to be having in Fort Wayne is the primary solution to control flooding is being addressed through removal of native plants and trees for “integrety of levee structures”. It has been well documented in a vast amount of literature and studies (even those reported by the Corps, the EPA, and FEMA) that issues such as increased impervious surfaces, the use of rip rap, removal of vegetation, and removal of wetlands not only increase the likelihood that flooding will occur during peak seasons, but also that water quality will (and does) continue to decrease due to the removal of such areas. Not to mention the effects on habitats and wildlife, both serving critical links in the food chain for humans and other wildlife.
We have been observing the Board of Works cutting down weeds and trees along the levees because of the regulations that require them to do so, handed down by the Corps, in an effort to protect homeowners from flood waters. We dont see the Board of Works planting Willow shrubs in the allowable portions of the riparian areas or planting native grasses to assist in keeping the soil on the banks from eroding (as recommended by the Corps). We only see them taking away from riverbank areas~and replacing trees, grasses, and shrubs with more impervious surfaces in floodways. We dont see the Fort Wayne Parks Department or City Planning making any concerted effort to decrease the likelihood of flooding by preserving natural areas with appropriate vegetation plantings to contain flood water (as a wetland would do). Instead we see variances for housing additions, gas stations, strip malls, and pavement ~ all contributing to both flooding and decreasing water quality.
The practices that are being used by our local government are antiquated procedures that are increasing the likelihood that our waterways will spill over during peak seasons. We are urging the Corps and our city government to make more responsible choices when it comes to the overall picture, for Fort Wayne and for those downstream. The Upper Maumee Watershed Partnership and the Army Corps of Engineers recognized in a 2009 report that the city of Fort Waynes Flood Control projects are localized and do not address overall problems. It was recommended in this same report that riparian areas be expanded, and that the increase use of USDA/NRCS practices of restoring wetlands would help to decrease peak discharges into the waterways. The city has made little effort to do either, instead relying on non-profit groups to do the work for them.
The riparian area that Save Maumee has worked on since 2005 is the only area of the Fort Wayne rivers where a riparian area is actively being re-established, thanks to over 300 volunteers who come out each Earth Day to repair that one small portion of the Maumee River ~ the Maumee is the largest watershed that flows into the Great Lakes. Up to 80% of a streams water quality is inherited at its headwaters (Hoosier Riverwatch 2009); for the Maumee River, that is in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Both the St. Marys and the St. Joseph Rivers (which come together to form the Maumee River) are on the 2010 303(d) List of Impaired Waterways due to E. coli. Other impairments that plague the rivers and watershed are Mercury, Nutrients, Free Cyanide, PCBs, Siltation, and Ammonia ~ pollutants that impair the Maumee River from Fort Wayne to Lake Erie.
The installation of rip rap and removal of vegetation has been common practice along eroding areas of our rivers, increasing the speed of the water through the rivers after running off of impervious surfaces, thereby increasing the likelihood of soil erosion downstream from these areas and also the likelihood of flooding downstream as well. The city and county continuously allows the clearing of natural areas for development, areas that could be utilized to slow down water and hold it for storage until it has a chance to percolate through the soil via the root systems of native plants and recharge the groundwater supplies ~ which would also filter the water while decreasing soil erosion on the banks downstream. The practices that are being utilized are actually increasing the problems and increasing the burden on taxpayers and homeowners. We want to see our city and the Corps work to decrease the chances of flooding, while simultaneously decreasing that financial burden.
We understand that the position of the Corps is to maintain safe and secure levees, not to be involved in the local government issues. The problem is that all of these water issues are connected and it does not appear as if there has been much effort from any of the decision makers to promote less invasive and more efficient and practical methods of dealing with flooding or water quality. We are asking that the all involved decision makers begin to work toward more fiscally and ecologically responsible solutions on these issues.
Marissa Jones
Lake Erie Waterkeeper,
Save Maumee Steering Committee Chair
Cited Work:
“Effects of Rip Rap on Riverine and Riparian Ecosystems.” Army Corps of Engineers Report, April 2003.
“Functions and Values of Wetlands.” Environmental Protection Agency, September 1, 2001.
“Western Lake Erie Basin Study, Upper Maumee Watershed Assessment.” Western Lake Erie Basin Partnership, 3 August 2009.
VOTE NO on H.B. 2018
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012- HR 2018, entitled, “Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011,” as passed by the House and is now being heard by the Senate. This bill is a direct assault on two key components of the Clean Water Act: enforcement of water quality standards and protection of aquatic resources from discharges of dredged and fill material.
- Title V (H.R. 2018) would reverse decades of progress in cleaning our nations waters. It undermines the cooperative state-federal partnership at the core of the Clean Water Act. Under this title, the U.S. EPA would be stripped of its important authority to ensure that water quality standards are enforced and reflect the latest science. Sadly, this super polluter bill is one in a long line of bills introduced this year whose goals are to give polluters free reign to poison our air and water. The 112th Congress has cast a record-setting 302 anti-environment votes, making it the worst in history on the environment.
- Congress is starting to hear the bills. Please pay attention.
Clean Water Action Letter to Senators with over 300 organizations against this bill
Friday, July 13th, 2012
Hello River Lovers,
River Rummage Sale ~ THIS Saturday July 14 – First Day of the 3 Rivers Festival Parade – on the Historic Wells Street Bridge – Behind Wells St. and Superior St. in downtown Fort Wayne…just off the parade route. BIG, LARGE, HUGE SALE! 8am-5pm – Proceeds go to Lake Erie Waterkeeper, Save Maumee Program for true river improvements.
Come buy our stuff! Come on, you’ll already be downtown for the parade and 3 Rivers Festival
- 5 semi-trucks full of STUFF you can re-purpose with your purchase! THANK YOU for your kind and generous donations!
- Bring your dead batteries and we will dispose of them properly ~ DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY ~ FREE DISPOSAL
- Waterbarrel demonstration = FREE LEARNING
- Repurposed art = FREE THINKING
- Chaff plantings = FREE STUFF
- Food Not Bombs feeding us from NOON-2pm = FREE FOOD
- Meet our hard-working unpaid river volunteers = FREE HELP
Other Upcoming Events:
** 1st Monday of every month – Public meetings for river action and are looking for your inputon ways to truly improve waterways tangibly 7-8:30pm at Halls Gas House on E. Superior St. – Next meeting is August 6th
**1st & 3rd Tuesdays – EcoWalk Work Group – corner of Niagara Dr. & N. Anthony Blvd. 4-5pm
**September 8, 3rd Annual Save Maumee Benefit Show...local, live and FUN entertainment at VIP Lounge on HWY 24 (still working on details)
**September 15, 6th Annual Canoe Clean-Up, Can YOU Clean-Up – Fort Wayne Outfitters/Bike Depot on Cass St. 11am-3pm
**October 20 5th Annual Seed Harvest at Little River Wetlands Project 1pm-4pm
**8th Annual Earth Day Celebration and Cleanup 2013 – THE BIG ONE! May be a few changes this year…stay tuned
So, if you are wondering what Save Maumee has been doing since Earth Day…it is amazing! YOU should be involved!
In 2012 ALONE with ONLY unpaid volunteers we have:
- Planted 200lbs of native riparian seed on local riverbanks
- Planted 100 native trees at Earth Day while removing 4,000lbs of trash from Fort Wayne’s Rivers
- 8th Annual Earth Day event attracted almost 400 volunteers
- Learned and taught about living-on-the-land & homesteading
- Removed invasives such as garlic mustard and teasel from nearby river areas
- April 2012 Edition – Fort Wayne Monthly Magazine
Save Maumee’s Abigail King is featured in “20 Questions” - Save Maumee made it into the “Rock & Roll Hall of Fame”! We were in the credits for Dean Jay’s Documentary!
~ Nova Rex – It Ain’t Easy Being Cheezy - Represented northeast Indiana in Washington D.C. for Clean Water Week’s, Great Lakes Days from 2008 to 2012
CLICK HERE for our 2012 Newsletter – D.C. Edition
CLICK HERE to read who we met with, and what we said: - Sat at many river meetings, to represent the health of our waterways and the citizens that depend on clean water
- Polar Bear Jumping at Johnny Appleseed Park on New Year’s Day
- Attended the largest ever National River Rally in Portland, Oregon and met with Robert Kennedy Jr.
- Spoke at local colleges & for the Girl Scouts
- Held an aquaponics workshop to teach how to set-up a fish and food growing operation in your backyard, with aquaponics expert Ernest Rando
- Raised awareness about our waterways SUCCESSFULLY!
Lake Erie Waterkeeper Inc., a chapter of the international organization Waterkeeper Alliance, Executive Board voted to make Save Maumee responsible for the Maumee River! We joined forces with Lake Erie Waterkeeper to further our work and our message! Thank you Heartland Communities as we leave your gracious fiscal sponsorship and align with Waterkeeper Alliance – WE LOVE YOU!
All our money comes from our fundraisers and kind individual donors…so give till it hurts…OUCH…or bring your $ to the River Rummage Sale!
Other things you should know:
- Overall, contaminants in Indiana waterways include pesticides, priority organics, copper, lead, ammonia, cyanide, low dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids and chlorides, habitat alterations, oil and grease. 30,321,380 lbs of toxic chemicals are released per year into our waterways.
- Indiana – 29 percent of all beach water samples had bacteria levels higher than public health standards allow, according to the NRDCs 22nd annual Testing the Waters study. Beaches were closed 379 times in Indiana in 2011 due to public health standards for safety.
- Indiana State issues call to reduce use of water in drought
- Cleaning up rivers is the right thing to do, and “initiatives to decrease sewage flowing into rivers would never have happened but for government intervention.”
- In 2008, Indiana was the seventh-largest source of mercury pollution in the country, according to the EPA’s most recent figures.
- Which fish have the highest Mercury content?
Save Maumee Earth Day 2012 ~ 7th Annual Celebration
Tuesday, March 20th, 2012INVITATION
Sunday April 22, 2012
Come to our Open-Non-House!
Plant trees, seed, plant plugs, install erosion control mats and remove garbage on the banks of the Maumee when you have an hour or five to spare, rally for clean water, support your local waterways…and have fun doing it with live entertainment!
Cleansing the riverbanks of garbage 11am – 4pm – You won’t be able to miss it meet us at the big tent!
View Larger MapPEOPLE WITH TRUCKS BE HERE AT NOON! – We will be sending you to remote sites for clean-up of other river areas! WHAT TIME exactly are things happening? Well, the day rolls out like a rushing river so here is a general guide to events….- 11am – I.C. Coldwater will present on water quality locally
- 11am – 3:30pm – Silent Auction (see items for bid below)
- 11am-4pm Education & Displays all day (see time sheet at INFO table when you arrive)
- NOON – Bring your trucks meet at the dumpster for remote site clean-up
In 2012 we plan to remove trash from streams and waterways from Eagle Marsh to I 469 in New Haven – WOW! - 12-3 Grateful Groove – Grateful Dead Cover Band
- 1:30pm – Edible Herb Education – Jain Young – Herb Specialist
- 2:30 – Children’s Story Time
- 3pm – Birds of Prey Demonstration – Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehab
- 3:45 Silent Auction WINNERS ANNOUNCED (must be present to win)
- 4pm – Save Maumee STOMP- Help us to secure new seeds planted on the banks of the Maumee to insure they root into the streambank~ NO STOMPING ON NEW LIFE GROWING!
On the corner of N. Anthony Blvd. and Niagara Dr.
We will meet here:
Unspecified time events:
Delivery of 25 pizza’s from Sports & Spirits
Natural Scavenger Hunt
Face Painting
Face Sketching from local artist Jerrod Tobias
Rainbarrel Demo from WeCycle
Enviroscape ~ to explain on a little scale, how water drains in our watershed on a larger scale!
How to make a “natural” water filtration device for emergency water use demonstration
Free schwag (cool stuff to give away) – many sponsors for this!
What are we installing to help the natural environment filter runoff?
1 acre worth of seed
200lbs of chaff
Hundreds of trees (don’t plant near power poles or 15 ft. from the sidewalks)
Hundreds of plant plugs (pre-grown plants)
4,500 sq. ft. of erosion control mats
Silent Auction List ~ to keep our “free” events free…bring your checkbook….we’re having a silent auction!
- 3 Organic Grown Bartlett Pear Trees
- Downtown Grind gift basket
- Foellinger Theater 2 tickets to choice of Cherish the Ladies, The Guess Who, or Starship
- Fort Wayne Children Zoo – family fun packs – two of them
- Fort Wayne Outfitters/Bike Depot – 1/2 day rental for two on kayak or canoe rental
- Hall’s Restaurant – $50 worth of gift certificates
- Kreepydoll – made from salvaged material
- Neuhouser Nursery gift basket
- Organic knitted item
- Paula’s Seafood – $50 gift certificate
- Painting from local artisan Jerrod Tobias
- Pampered Pets gift basket
- Two competitors working toward cleaner water and YOUR health. It shows the importance of our work when competitors work together for clean water…everyone wins!
1) “Prana Yoga” – 2 hour Thai Massage and Yoga 101 Classes
2) “True Potential” – Yoga Fit Classes & Henna Tattoo - Random Act of Gardening – Will provide you a 10X20 garden, services include: tilling, plants, seeds – (The 3 sisters beans, squash, corn) broccoli, peppers and two other food choices for your new garden…request what you prefer! Approximate value $200 – approximate hours of service to complete your garden is 5 hours.
More Silent Auction items coming as we send you this email so this is NOT a comprehensive list – THANK YOU to all sponsors!
- THIS WEDNESDAY – April 18th – from 4pm-10pm Eat at Texas Roadhouse on Lima Rd. and help our rivers!
Save Maumee receives 10% of all food sales IF you show them this email! Meet us there! - May 2nd (Wednesday) at 7-9pm Ernest Rando coming to teach us about aquaponics at Fort Wayne downtown Library ROOM C he will have working aquaponics demo there and include a list of all plants, fish and veggies we can grow with aquaponics. Will answer questions and present from basic gardening skills to technical questions! Coming from Gary, IN for his presentation so we are requesting $15 at door to cover costs.
- May 5th & 6th Sol Fest, Abby received a full scholarship to the National River Rally in Portland, Oregon and if we are to participate at Sol Fest we need volunteers so CALL ABBY if you can help to run the enviroscape .just ask and we’ll help you prepare! 260.417.2500
- Saturday ~ September 15th ~ 5th Annual Canoe Clean-Up, Can YOU Clean-Up @ Fort Wayne Outfitter / Bike Depot
- Saturday ~ October 20th ~ 4th Annual Save Maumee Seed Harvest @ Little River Wetlands Project /Eagle Marsh
(NOT Fox Island County Park in 2012) we are giving that prairie a rest from harvesting.—-MEETINGS NEED ATTENDANCE SO WE KNOW YOUR OPINIONS TO IMPROVE OUR RIVERS —-Save Maumee, Lake Erie Waterkeeper wants you to attend our monthly action meetings
Permanent meeting place & mailing address
Don Hall’s Old Gas House
305 E. Superior St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 (cross street is Spy Run)
7PM-8:30 sharp
Free coffee and tea will be served – tip not included
CLICK FOR DIRECTIONS - Monday May 7th, 2012
will be our 2nd meeting ever, but we are moving quickly to create the board and move projects forward - Monday June 4th
- Monday July 2nd
- Monday Aug. 6th
- Monday Sept. 3rd
you get the idea
Information you should know:
- “Indiana Tops Nation in Water Pollution”
- or “AK Steel nation’s premiere toxic water polluter” Indiana leads the nation in the release of toxic chemicals into water
- Corporate farms can sue you for taking pictures or complaining about them
- FDA prohibits certain antibiotics for cattle, swine, chickens and turkeys to preserve the effectiveness of treating humans….
- Antibiotics and other drugs have been found in drinking water.
- Tell Congress: Access to clean drinking water is a basic human right!
- “Americas Waterways received 226 Million Pounds of Toxic Chemicals“
- Save Maumee “Earth Day draws attention to clean water initative”
- PLEASE COMPOST IT – and use as fertilizer so we don’t have more blue-green algae in the Great Lakes!
Save Maumee ~ Voted “2011 Organization of the Year (video)” by Hoosier Environmental Council – article about it here:
Thank you for your continued support for the ENTIRE Lake Erie Basin,
See you this week!
1. Find a bare area where grass needs to grow
dont walk on the other new life!
2. Stir up some dirt with your shoe or stick
3. Sprinkle sees in the raked up dirt
4. Cover the newly planted seeds with the other dirt you stirred up
5. Step-on the freshly planted seeds to hold them in the Earth!
6. On your way back from your walk, pick up all the garbage with the bag!
7. If you find something hazardous and feel uncomfortable touching it…Save
Maumee Representatives will be there to assist in removal!
* Single-pot meth labs look like a plastic bottle with a hose coming out of it.
* By the way – PLEASE take heed that the Maumee River is on the 303 (d) list for impaired waters….this means it contains enough e. coli to make you very ill. If you need a story to bring this point home, PLEASE READ THIS
Don’t just dream about clean rivers…Come out & help rain or shine….if not you….WHO?
In your yard Cottonwoods and Mulberry may be unwanted, but these “trash” trees are beneficial to riverbanks.
We choose this area because it is where the trash has the first chance to collect downstream of all the armoring (removal of trees/grasses and replacing with rock and pavement) upstream. This is the first area the trash has a chance to collect on the streambanks.
What we did in 2011 CLICK HERE for longer VIDEO
What we did in 2010 CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO- Part 1 of 6!
What we did in 2009 CLICK HERE!
Over the years musical talent has included:
Dave P., Grateful Groove, Will Brown from the Afrodiasiacs, Beyond all Rational Thought, Carol Dean and Les Lesser, The Wilderness, Anthony Garr, Sounds of Saturn
Cleaning up your dog’s poop on a walk will also improve water quality, so don’t forget your plastic baggie when you grab Rover’s leash! – Dogs are not prohibited, but not encouraged at the event…
- ALWAYS looking for donations of NATIVE seeds, NATIVE trees, NATIVE pre-grown plants, NATIVE bushes, soil sand, and straw bales
- Face Paint
- Prizes for hard working participants (a.k.a. schwag)
- Food donations – single serving – Board of Health Certified
- Waterproof rubber Boots & “waders”
- Trash grabbers (garbage picker-uppers)
- minnow nets
- whistles for around the neck in case of emergencies
- Flat “John Boat”and/or outboard motor (can provide a tax deductible receipt)
- Someone who will commit to letting us use their copy machines, lamination machines, printers to make copies of related Save Maumee material that will be distributed to the public.
- Earth Friendly garbage bags this year?
- Suggestions for the event include recycling facility – a possibility, but most of the rubbish is river dirt, muddy – unsure to date
- REUSABLE water bottles – prefer stainless steel or plastic that is NOT Bisphenol A (BPA) – we want BPA-free plastic
- More Mats + More Seed = More $. Bring your wallet, but this is a FREE event!
- All money from the previous year goes to erosion control mats and purchase of more seed/trees/plugs for next year
Updates from 2011 Earth Day -LAST YEAR
NO CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP: 100% donations from our local citizens go only and directly to best management practices for naturalization of riparian areas – this is what grassroots organizing is all about! ALL VOLUNTEERS~ All money came from: Grateful Music Productions/Save Maumee Rock Out-Camp Out, Berlin Music Pubs PUNK PARTY, Save Maumee Earth Day 2010, Save Maumee Canoe Clean-Up 2010, Save Maumee Presents: Sounds of Saturn & Les Nester at Dash-In, Sports & Spirits Bar & Grill. Namaste to many small monetary donors! Save Maumee did not raise as much money as last year but we are very proud to supply you with these effective erosion control techniques for OUR riverbanks!
Save Maumee Grassroots Organization attempted to make national T.V. ~ (yea we wish) we want the media to help us draw attention to our efforts and many issues that face our waterways because we want CLEAN WATER. If you do not want to be video recorded, be aware of the cameras and keep working out of sight & sign the waiver. ~ EVERYONE WELCOME!
Disclaimer: Save Maumee does not carry power as to the fate of our rivers. YOU DO! People need to feel more connected to each other, to nature, and to the things that are most valuable. We feel a personal connection to our waterways and love our rivers and we want you to as well. Civic duty and helping your fellow man should be words that fall from your mouth continuously. We want this event to leave you hopeful and empowered. Please realize that we all want the same thing – CLEAN WATER. Water is a right not a luxury and keeping pollution out of our rivers is our priority. We do not talk politics, but you are making a political statement by being here.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated citizens can change the world indeed it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
Special THANK YOU from Save Maumee to ALL the people who helped bring all of us together this year! Our events are FREE but ALL donations go to projects like this one! Give till it hurts OUCH!
See our thank you list!