How does planting trees and grasses help?

Example of trees & grasses to help your waterways!

  •      Siltation/erosion/sedimentation is the #1 pollutant in our watershed.  The grasses will help to settle out suspended sediment in the water to help hold down the soil that could be washed away because there is nothing to hold down the barren soil when the water comes rushing down during a rain event.


  •      Grasses filtrate sediment by holding water for a longer period of time so the sediment settles to the bottom instead of traveling downstream. 


  •     Removal of nutrients from the water before it passes downstream. 


  •       Plants produce enzymes which will absorb and “eat” bacteria


  •       Natural removal of chemical pollutants like fertilizers and waste materials removes nitrogen, phosphorous and toxins from surface water.


  •       Creating more shade will help to create Dissolved Oxygen that is needed in the water for fish and other wildlife to “breathe.”


  •       Floods problems can be alleviated – grassy knolls and trees can capture, store and slowly release water over a longer period of time


  •       Protect shorelines through reduction of destructive energy from fast moving/ rising water


  •       Alleviate pools of standing, stagnant water so West Nile will not have the opportunity to be passed on in the mosquito or human population



“87% of wetlands in Indiana no longer exist. Most of the forested river corridors in Allen County have been removed.  Water quality, stormwater drainage and sewage issues recognize no political boundaries and need regional coordination.” (Plan-It-Allen, 2007) So you will be aiding in replenishing wetland species right here!  Streambank stabilization projects are currently receiving 0 dollars in Indiana. (Soil & Water, 2008)  Please invest in Natural Capital!


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