Waste in Indiana Waterways




Check this article out for yourself…but this excerpt is what I found interesting.  The Upper Maumee Watershed is also considered an impaired stream for PCB’s, heavy metals, Hg, Fish Consumption Advisories (FCA’s), E. Coli and nitrates.  The Upper Maumee remains on the 303 (d) list for impared waterways. Indianapolis is reflective of other larger municipalities like Fort Wayne, Terre Haute and Gary, IN.

NUVO – Indy’s Alternative Voice

“IDEM’s website houses a listing of all the impaired bodies of water in
Indiana, which IDEM completes for the whole state every two years.


For the West Fork of the White River in Marion County, the river is
listed as impaired for E. coli, PCBs in fish tissue and mercury found
in fish tissue. PCBs were once widely used as coolants and lubricants,
their manufacture has ceased due to health effects.


For the East Fork of the White River basin and the West Fork of the
basin 21 and 19 counties were listed with impaired waterways
respectively. Many of the impaired waterways are tributaries that will
eventually hook up to one of the forks of the White River. Causes for
the impairment of the waterways in both forks of the White River basin
were highly varied, including: E. Coli, impaired biotic communities,
cyanide, mercury in fish tissue, PCBs in fish tissue, sulfates, lead,
algae and taste/color.


In an article from the Muncie Star Press, Seth Slabaugh
recently reported that a Ball State University study in which 20
samples were taken from the West Fork of the White River revealed many
chemicals in the river which numerous cities use for drinking water.
These chemicals included: antibiotics, acetaminophen, anti-bacterials,
various other pharmaceuticals and DEET. According to the article water
treatment plants don’t treat the water for the above chemicals, and the
federal government is still in the process of working out what level of
pharmaceuticals is safe for treated drinking water.


So how does Indiana stack up comparatively to waterways around the
nation? According to data provided by the EPA, of streams that have
been sampled nationwide approximately 50 percent are in good condition
with the other 50 percent being impaired. The Indiana average is
slightly below the national average with 42 percent in good condition
and 58 percent impaired. Yet only slightly more than half of Indiana’s
rivers and streams have been assessed so far. Indiana lakes are in far
worse shape comparatively with 88 percent impaired and 12 percent in
good condition. All 59 miles of Indiana’s Great Lakes shoreline is


EPA data shows that the cause for impairment in Indiana is most
commonly listed as unknown, while non point source pollution, and
agriculture generally make up most of the causes for impairment.
Industrial waste like that reported by Environment America does not
register as high on the larger scale.”


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